Wildscreen Karibu Nairobi Short Film
ClementWild Limited co-produced this short film with WildlifeDirect to celebrates the amazing biodiversity of Nairobi National Park (the only National Park within a capital city in the world) and to welcome Wildscreen Festival to Nairobi and Africa for the first time. This film opened the stage on both days of the WildScreen Nairobi Festival which our Founder Clement Kiragu was a Panelist in.
Watch the same Short Film on Youtube
COMING SOON... Human-Predator Coexistence Short Film featuring an African Mythical Top Predator animal character.
Funded by the National Geographic Society & ClementWild Limited
Take a peep at a small scene of this film as our animal character - the melanistic/black leopard goes on the hunt in this ClementWild Ltd collaboration with National Geographic UK to promote NatGeoWild BigCat Week UK 2024.
Produced by Predator Expeditions Films
Our Film

Lion Short Film - In Development